The Micronational General Alliance

Organization Members

Imperial House


Welcome To Our Site
In our world today, there are many problems. Usually these conflicts that arise are settled peacefully, but sometimes they can pose a threat to the stability of nations and their neighbors.

This organization is dedicated to preserving the peace through any means neccessary. However, if all peaceful channels are exhausted, then we will use military options. We are a military alliance and back all our members because we are united in a conflict. These disagreements and other disputes affect all.
The MGA and Your Nation
Our organiztion would like to establish ties ith your nation. The General Alliance welcomes anyone who does not oppress their citizens and let them live to their fullest potential.

We protect the free micronational world and feel that the freedom ideas we believe in are for all. This is the many reason this organization was founded.

It is also to ensure the independence of all nations and that none, no matter how small are never left behind. We condemn aggression against weaker nations and will do anything in our power to protect all member nations.
The President-General of the MGA
The current President-General is the President of the United Bobesian Republic, Christopher Donle. He is the driving inspiration behind this organization and works hard to make sure it is reconized by all nations. Donle works with all leaders of all the nations to ensure a lasting peace. Together with other organizations, the micronational world can become a peaceful place.

The Vice-President General
Earl Washburn was selected on February 4, 2002 to become the second in command of the MGA. He is currently the President of the Republic of Amerada. President-General Donle selected him to fill the newly created posted of Vice President-General. Together they will create a strong General Alliance for all member states.
Email the Vice President-General

Email the President-General

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